The Church Council is the administrative body of the Congregation and is empowered to administer and manage all of its affairs subject to the review of the Voters Assembly. The conduct of all organizations within the Congregation shall be subject to the approval and supervision of the Church Council.
President Elect - Steve Butler
President - Rich Matzen
Past President - Steve Butler
Christian Education - Raechel Vopatek Discipleship/Outreach -Traci Butler
Elders -Scott Steffens
Finance - Barb Reed
Trustees - Wayne Grantz
Youth - Laura Norcross
Preschool - Kerry Good
Available Upon Request - Please contact the church office.
~~Meeting Schedule * Regular Council Meetings* 2nd Monday of the following months at 6:00pm: February, March, May, June, August, September, November and December
~~Voter's Meetings* are held the following months: January, April, July and October.